DancePod with Skånes Dansteater
DancePod with Skånes Dansteater
Episode 38: David Scarantino – Learning as a venture for change
Dance pedagogue David Scarantino has danced with Tero Saarinen company for the last 10 years and has been teaching Tero technique, the dance method used by the Finnish company. He’s also recently written a thesis on dance pedagogy called ‘Reimagining dialogue: how can embodiment teach?’.
This episode introduces a new DancePod host: Tiemen Stemerding. He and David dig deep into the art of teaching contemporary dance and talk about subjects like anti-oppressive education, finding ways to transform a student rather than simply transmit ideas and the importance of creating brave spaces for better learning.
Host: Tiemen Stemerding, dancer Skånes Dansteater.
Guest: David Scarantino, dancer & pedagogue.
Editors: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, Tiemen Stemerding, dancers Skånes Dansteater.
DancePod Team: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, Dario Minoia, Tiemen Stemerding, dancers Skånes Dansteater
Jingel: Anders Ortman.