DancePod with Skånes Dansteater

Episode 35: Erika Silgoner – The honest body

Skånes Dansteater Season 3 Episode 35

Erika Silgoner is an ltalian choreographer and dancer based in Milan. She founded ESKLAN in Milan in 2010, which has developed into an international dance ensemble of 10 dancers performing around the world. 

Today's episode was recorded last June just as Erika was finalising her new work 'Wild Fellas'. An outdoor summer dance performance which toured extensively around the region of Skåne, meeting audiences in unexpected places amongst streets, parks and squares. Now, Erika is back in Malmö to restage 'Wild Fellas' with a new cast af dancers and adapt the work for indoor venues' ahead of a school's tour and performances in our own theatre as part af our Lunch dance concept.

This episode introduces a new DancePod host: Dario Minoia. Dario and Erika talk about working through dark moments, finding honesty and truth within the work and Erika’s experiences of solitude and silence. 


Host: Dario Minoia, dancer, Skånes Dansteater.

Guest: Erika Silgoner, choreographer.

Editors: Samuel Denton, Tiemen Stemerding, dancers, Skånes Dansteater.

DancePod Team: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, Dario Minoia, Tiemen Stemerding, dancers, Skånes Dansteater.

Jingel: Anders Ortman.