DancePod with Skånes Dansteater

Episode 31: Because We’re Curious – Paulina Porwollik

Skånes Dansteater Season 2 Episode 31

By DancePod with Skånes Dansteater in collaboration with TanzKongress 2022.

‘Because we’re curious’ is a series of interviews with dancers about curiosity. Is curiosity a simple delight in small discoveries or the incendiary desire for an imagined future? Is it a chain of momentary fascinations or a lifelong and stubborn investigation? We want to learn more about curiosity by digging deeper into what could, should and does make dancers curious.

This podcast is a collaboration between Tanzkongress 2022 and ‘DancePod with Skånes Dansteater’ – a podcast created by dancers. It was born from a desire to hear the conversations happening at the heart of creative processes; to open up and demystify them for wider dance audiences; and to celebrate the knowledge generated by dance and dancers.

The ‘Because we’re curious’ series consists of 6 episodes. (Episodes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34.)

Hosts: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, dancers at Skånes Dansteater.

Guests: Laïla Diallo, Paulina Porwollik, Hilde Ingeborg Sandvold and Nadine Mckenzie.

Editors: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, dancers at Skånes Dansteater.

DancePod with Skånes Dansteater Team: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, Tiemen Stemerding, dancers at Skånes Dansteater.

Curated by: Finn Lakeberg, Amber Pansters, dancers at TanzMainz.

Jingel: Anders Ortman.